
The Endangered Species Act sets forth federal laws protecting threatened and endangered species and the ecosystems upon which they depend, while the Lacey Act prohibits, among other things, the transportation and sale of plants, fish, and wildlife taken in violation of U.S., state, or foreign law.

Both statutes provide for the payment of rewards to whistleblowers who report violations.  See 16 U.S. Code § 1540 (Endangered Species Whistleblower Provisions); 16 U.S. Code § 3375(d) (Lacey Act Whistleblower Provisions).

Rewards are made from sums recovered as penalties, fines, or forfeitures of property for violations of the statutes. 

Awards Discretionary

The Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of the Treasury are both authorized to issue and determine the amount of rewards, based on the factors they deem appropriate, such as the value of the information and the amount of the sanctions imposed.


Officers or employees of the United States or any State or local government who provide information or service in the performance of their official duties are ineligible for a reward.

Learn more about the Lacey Act.

Learn more about the Endangered Species Act.

More Information

Contact us for more information about the details of these programs

Please be advised that this website is an information resource and is not intended to provide legal advice in your particular case.  We would be pleased to conduct a confidential review of your potential claim, but by doing so we are not agreeing to act as your counsel.  A written agreement between you and the Law Offices of Paul D. Scott is prerequisite to representation.  Past successes by the firm do not guarantee future results.


640 Washington Street,
San Francisco, California 94111